Thursday, January 8, 2009

Why this should be the year you start exercising.

Okay, so the holidays are over, you made your New Years resolutions and half of them are broken. Was exercise on your resolution list? If not, go get the list, or make a list and put it on the top and forget the rest. If you're not participating in any kind of sports or fitness that's probably why you broke the rest of your resolutions. If you are, then you're to be congratulated.

What's the big deal you say? Well, let me ask you well do you sleep at night? How much energy do you have? Are you happy and motivated? Is your weight bothering you? Does your body perform everyday functions well? Are you happy with the way you look and how your clothes fit?

Or, are you lethargic, unmotivated and can't sleep? Can't remember the last time you felt happy? Have a hard time fitting into your clothes and don't like the way you look? Do you get winded climbing stairs or performing strenuous tasks? Are you fed up with the way you feel and think that you can't change it?

That's why this should be the year you should start exercising. Exercise improves your energy level, helps elevate your mood, makes you quicker, faster and stronger. If you exercise two times a week, after 6 weeks you will see amazing improvement in your life. If you continue and make it a regular part of your life, your whole life will change!

It doesn't matter what you're capable of now, start where you are. Baby steps. Start walking once a day. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Join a gym, hire a personal trainer or find exercises on the internet that you can do at home. If you think you can't change your life try exercising. What do you have to lose?